The SEA2C Foundation understands firsthand the value of human connections and how the human bond through birth relations transcends understanding and experiences outside of the adoptive community. As part of the journey to discover one's past and identity, we strive to...
Provide access to DNA testing and databases to facilitate family reunification.
Partner with manufacturers of DNA test kits for in kind donations and collaboration on test kit distribution and collection events in Vietnam and the US.
Utilize a volunteer workforce of “DNA Detectives” to operate under the SEA2C umbrella.
In concert with DNA technology, work with law makers to enact legislation that will allow Amerasians that still reside in Vietnam and their immediate family to have the option of “coming home” to the United States and pursue US citizenship
SEA2C helps connect fellow adoptees through social media connections
SEA2C collaborates with other organizations that share the same missions of reunification and connections.